Free delivery allover UAE

Delivery within 48-72 hours

Buy now & Pay on Delivery*


Delivery locations

We deliver to all Emirates across the UAE within city limits.

Delivery time

Delivery generally takes between 2-3 business days.

Alternatively, you may opt for Click & Collect option during checkout. Orders may be collected once processed/prepared by our warehouse team from the address below:

Rak Ceramics:

Al Jazeera Al Hamra,

Ras Al Khaimah,

United Arab Emirates

Hotline: 800 7252 372

Delivery fees

Generally, shipping charges are AED 30 per order however, currently we have a promotion where it is free of charge.

Order tracking

You can check the status of your order by logging in to your account or alternatively, you may reach out to our customer care team who can assist you further.

Return & Cancellation

What if I received the wrong products?

If you have received the wrong products, please contact our customer care team within 72 hours of receipt.

How do I cancel My Order?

Orders may be cancelled as long as the shipment has not been dispatched. Your order cannot

be cancelled once shipped. Please read our Cancellation Policy.

How do I return my products?

Please read our Return Policy first to check eligibility. If you are eligible to return the item, please contact us.

What if I receive damaged products?

Please inspect your order while you receive it to ensure the items are in good condition. In the rare scenario where this is not the case, please contact us with any damage-related complaints within 72 hours.

Account Info

How do I create an account?

  1.  Click the “My Account” icon link at the top right corner of our site
  2.  Click on “Create New Account
  3. Fill in your details
  4.  Welcome onboard Rak Porcelain!

How do I edit my account information?

Log into your account by clicking the “My Account” on the top right of our website & then proceed to enter your details. Select what aspect you need to edit by clicking “Edit”.

How do I reset my password?

Click the “My Account” link at the top right-hand side of our website. Under the login box, select the link that says “Forgot your password?”